Happy Mother's Day
Cameron Reed
She's the best around, a mom about town, and deserves the Mother's Day crown. Don't believe me? Just check what everyone's saying 'bout this mama.
I'm four (one, two, three, four) and I love ice cream, but you know what I love more? My mom! Between her and a delicious, sprinkle-covered cone full of the cold stuff, it's no contest—I'll take my mom every day and twice on Sundays.
Griffin Hattersley
Goo goo, ga ga, dada? Ha, as if! I can't even talk yet and I know mama is where it's at. She brought me into this world and there's zero doubt that she's my favorite person in it.
Leona Hattersley
Who's the best mom? Ask me a hard one next time. Cami's got it all: brains, beauty, a big heart, and boppin' dance moves. If I look surprised, it's only because I can't believe I'm lucky enough to be married to this amazing woman.
Josh Hattersley
Still don't believe it? I have data!
Momitude Level™
Patent pending on the Momitude Level™ system.
Happy Mother's Day Cami!